Nnngeology of lower benue trough pdf merger

Two controversial aspects of nigerian the abakaliki pyroclastics and the origin and evolution of the benue trough. Volcanic rocks underlie the earliest albian sediments in the core of the abakaliki anticlinorium in the lower benuevalley 12. The mineralogical and engineering characteristics of cretaceous and tertiary shales in the lower benue trough, nigeria 488 forces that are associated with the clay minerals are responsible for much of the real and apparent cohesion in mineral particle systems and are mainly determined by the type of clay mineral and the chemical. Chapter 4 the benue trough ibrahim badamasi babangida. Journal of african earth sciences 123 201 6 258 e 271 259 rip e up clasts.

Results from magnetic field modelling of the lower benue trough, west africa revealed thick sedimentation with maximum values in. N3 1,2,3department of geology, university of port harcourt, port harcourt, nigeria abstract palynological baseline data acquisition and analysis were carried on longitudes 6. In this paper we intent to interpret the new airborne gravity data obtained from the. Contains details on the geological units of nigeria and the associated mineral resources. It can be inferred therefore, that most of the present tectonic elements in the lower benue trough were probably formed during the well documented santonian teconism murat 1972, burke etal. Falconer jd 1911 the geology and geography of northern nigeria. Leadzincbarytes mineralization in the benue trough. Petrology, physicochemical and thermal analyses of. In this study the transient state of a drainage basin is explored and numerically modeled, where a. Geology of parts of gboko and makurdi local government areas, benue state, nigeria. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Control of grassy weeds in the establishment year is difficult since diuron 4l cannot be used. Hydrological problems associated with mineralizations in the. Chemistry of maiganga coal deposit, upper benue trough.

Part 3 takes the mineral resources of nigeria one on one, their geological environment, mode of occurrence, localities. The nigerian benue trough was divided into three sub troughs viz. In the paper i am writing, the cutoff is referred to as the standard deviation of the data. In the southern benue trough the campanianmaastrichtiannkporo shale and enugu shale were sampled. The benue trough is a continentalscale intraplate tectonic megastructure which is part of midafrican rift system. A novel iterative approach for mapping local singularities. Interpretation of gravity anomaly of parts of lower and.

Compressional movements occurred in the late albiancenomanian along the cigmr and during the santonian in the. The benue trough of nigeria formed as a result of series of tectonism and repetitive sedimentation in the cretaceous time when south america separated from africa. The geology of the lower benue trough has been documented through the tectono. Geology and baryte mineralization of the liji area, upper. Lower benue, trough introduction the benue trough is an intracratonic rift trending southwestnortheast from about latitude 60n near the gulf of guinea to about latitude 100n south of the chad basin. Specifically, from ad 19 to 2000 the lower metalimnion. This study looks at reevaluating afikpo ogoja axis of the lower portion of the benue trough nigeria from potential field data to assess the. Lower and upper boundaries of the formation were not clearly defined as they did not identify major change in depositional episode.

The area under study is the middle benue trough in northcentral nigeria fig 1. They include alifokpa, gabu and osina in cross river state and ishiagu in ebonyi state in the lower benue trough. Many occurrences of leadzincbarytes are known, such as those at enyigba, ameki, ameri near abakaliki, wanikande. Tectonic and sedimentation framework of the lower benue. The benue trough is a major geological structure underlying a large part of nigeria and extending about 1,000 km northeast from the bight of benin to lake chad. They believed that heat from the igneous intrusions raised the temperature of the source rocks above the liquid oil window limit, and thus inhibited the preservation of essential constituents of petroleum in the shale of the lower benue trough. The trough has its southern limit at the northern boundary of the niger delta, where it dips down and is overlaid with tertiary and more recent sediments. Evaluation of the effects of igneous bodies on the sedimentary fills of the lower benue rift and vice versa. Beginning in 1993, the concentration increased for a period through 2006, after which it decreased again between 2007 and 201data from future years may2. In mountainous landscapes throughout the world bedrock dominated river channels record a history of the tectonic and climatic evolution of the drainage basins that contain them. Part 1 discusses the geology of the crystalline rocks and their regional distribution while the sedimentary basins constitute the subject of part 2.

Coulbourn, hawaii institute of geophysics, university of hawaii2 abstract hemipelagic olive gray mud blankets both areas drilled during dsdp leg 87 of the glomar challenger. This study looks at reevaluating afikpo ogoja axis of the lower portion of the benue trough nigeria from potential field data to assess the hydrocarbon potential of the area. Petroleum potentials of the nigerian benue trough and. The coal samples used for the analyses were sourced from the maiganga coal mine. There are indications, however, that detailed exploration work in the middle benue could. Field study of the positive flower structures of the gombe. Its developed during the separation of south america and africa and the. The benue trough is a major geological structure underlying a large part of nigeria and. Preliminary report on the paleoenvironments and burial diagenesis of cretaceous sediments in parts of the upper benue trough and their implications for hydrocarbon exploration.

Afikpo is located in the southern benue trough, between the abakiliki anticlinorium running. The results of an interpretation of aeromagnetic anomalies over the lower and middle benue trough of nigeria are presented. This rift, initiated in the latest jurassic, was related to the opening of the central and south atlantic oceans. Contrasting styles of leadzincbarium mineralization in the lower. In the downtown metropolitan area alone, 300 miles of canals formed 14 irrigation networks that watered 256,000 acres of fertile river basin soils. Basin strata in the region directly overly the basement complex. Geology of the area the area under study is underlain by cretaceous sediments of the lower benue trough located in the southern area of benue valley. The benue trough was terminated by a late santonian episode of compressional folding. Twodimensional interpretation of the anomalies shows that the anomalies are best interpreted in terms of basic intrusive bodies occurring either within the cretaceous sediments or within the metamorphic basement or both. More information about viewing, downloading, and printing report files can be found here. Seeded varieties are usually lower yielding than hybrid varieties. Nigerian mining and geoscience society conference, calabar 95, abstracts.

Geology and mineral resources of the lower benue trough. It is associated with the deposition of the awgu shale and agbani sandstones, which are lateral equivalents of the fika sekunle shale inthe upper benue trough. Pdf documents opened from your browser may not display or print as intended. It extends in a northeasterly direction to the chad basin, and is about 150 km wide. Two periods of deformation involving essentially the interaction of continental plates are suggested. Geology of parts of gboko and makurdi local government. The benue trough of nigeria figure 1a is an intracontinental basin in central west africa that extends ne to. Example, when a gs14 retires, we should hire a gs6 or 9. Geology and stratigraphy of middle cretaceous sequences. Interpretation of aeromagnetic anomalies over the lower. Regional geologic map of southern benue trough showing the study area.

Lower pennsylvanian stratigraphy of the colorado trough by bryan musgrave texas tech university, department of geosciences, lubbock, texas, u. In this study of the middle benue trough, nigeria, gravity data for the area was. The lower salt river valley, where downtown phoenix now stands, supported miles of irrigated fields and dozens of farming communities. In the lower benue trough of southeastern nigeria, leadzincbarium mineralization occurs as widely distributed epigenetic fracturecontrolled vein deposits. The benue trough is one of the seven main sedimentary structural features in the sene nigeria. The geology of lower benue trough is associated with the tectonic activities. The turonian transgression, which marked the start of this cycle, is believed to have commenced from the gulf of guinea through the anambra basin to the benue trough. The mineralogical and engineering characteristics of. The mapped area has three drainage basins which are separated by water divide. Geological survey purchased the license for the digital data used in this investigation from seismic exchange inc. The pyroclastics are considered by some workers as lower benue s oldest volcanic rocks formed during the. The anambra basin is situated west of the lower benue trough and is often considered youngest formation of the benue trough.

The study evaluates the relationship between synrift structures and sedimentation in the area. Sediment supply was mainly along drainage systems that followed two failed rift arms, the benue and bida basins. The level has to stay above a minimum concentration for a length of time for the medication to be effective. The benue trough has often been described as an intracontinental cretaceous basin, occupied by up to 6,000m of marine and fluviodeltaic sediments. The geology of the gboko area, situated in the northeastern part of the lower benue trough of nigeria is the subject of this book. Sedimentologic summary, nankai trough sites 582 and 583, and japan trench site 5841 william t. A consideration for petroleum reservoir indicators.

Modified geological map of nigeria showing the study area inset geological map of abakaliki, sheet 303 sw 17. Trough deposits on mars point to complex hydrologic past. Spectral reevaluation of the magnetic basement depth over parts of middle benue trough nigeria using hram nwosu o. The geology of the lower benue trough has been described by several authors 5,6,7. If the inline pdf is not rendering correctly, you can download the.

Scour depressions in the trough alter local flow and depositional processes, and can infill with finegrained deposits e. Geology and mineral resources of the lower benue trough, nigeria. It is part of the broader west and central african rift system. The south east nigerian sector of mamfe basin is a segment of the lower benue trough which is a linear intracratonic graben trending nesw.

Cretaceous sedimentation and paleogeography of the central benue trough. Lower benue trough as an example of structurally controlled igneous intrusion. Introduction the benue trough is a linear northeast african. Benue trough and migrating rift system department of earth and.

There needs to be more lower grades and they need to be in the field. The lower benue trough is the southern portion of the benue trough that is believed to have originated as a failed arm of an aulacogen at the time of the opening of the south atlantic oceans during the separation of the african plate and the south american plate. The stratigraphic correlations for the lower southwest, middle, and upper northeast benue is given in table 1 as presented by kogbe 1981a. Amajor department of geology, university of port harcourt, port harcourt, nigeria received for publication 5 september 1986 abstracta.

The trough is characterized by an uplifted basement block, flanked by deep basin containing about 6km of sediments. The anambra basin, therefore, is a part of the lower benue trough containing postdeformational sediments of campanianmaastrichtian to eocene ages. Mesozoic to early cenozoic magmatism accompanied this evolution. Bottomset architecture formed in the troughs of dunes and. Benue trough was displaced westward resulting in subsidence of the anambra basin. Petroleum source rock potential of the upper benue trough. Stratigraphy of the cretaceous sediment fill of the middle benue trough can be divided into six 6 depositional units. The study area lies between longitudes 7o51le and 8o00le and latitudes 5o55ln and 6o00ln within the afikpo syncline of the cross river basin of the benue trough. In traditional analysis of river profiles, uplift and erosion are considered to be in balance in a steady state.

Asu river group of the lower benue trough, southern part of nigeria. Pdf sedimentary and petrofacies analyses of the amasiri. It is logical to include the anambra basin in the benue trough, being a related structure. Lower benue trough through azara in the middle benue trough to gidan dari in the upper benue trough. Barber w, tait ea, thompson jh 1954 the geology of the lower. A lot of work covering the area has been done but detailed work is still needed. The benue trough is a linear, intracratonic and graben basin, 800 km long and 90 km wide on the average in eastern nigeria ogungbesan and akaegbobi 2011. The latetwentiethcentury drop in primary production in tanganyika may have contributed1 to. Benue trough, nigeria, unpublish phd thesis, abubakartafawabalewa university, bauchi, nigeria. The trough is arbitrarily divided into lower, middle and upper regions, and the upper region is further divided into the gongola and yola arms. The benue trough is a linear nesw trending anticlinorium stretching from the chad basin in the north to the gulf of guinea through niger delta in the south avbovbo 1980. The nkporo shale which is distri buted in the southeastern part of the benue trough is a fissile, blue black, highly carbonaceous and occasionally gypsiferous shale with thin marl beds. Geology and mineral resources of nigeria nuhu george.

The two digitized sheets were merged into a single sheet. Two principal magmatic domains are evident, the northern and southern benue. Its origin is associated with the separation of africa and south american continent in the early cretaceous. The lower benue trough is a linear, intracratonic, graben basin, tending nesw.

Doc geology of nigeria vincent kalu and stanless pee. The origin of the benue trough is linked to riffing associated with the separation of. The lower benue trough is underlain by a thick sedimentary sequence deposited in the cretaceous. Major and trace element geochemistry of albian and.

Afikpo basn, lithostratigraphic units, geology, asu river group, turonian ezeaku formation introduction. The sedimentological history spanning from aptian to coniacian with stratigraphic interpretations presented. Chemical studies have been carried out on coal samples from maiganga coal mine, gombe formation, upper benue trough of nigeria with a view to determine theirchemical characteristics and possible utilization as coking coal or otherwise. Oden 2012 reported that occurrences of baryte are found in various localities of eight states within the benue trough. Madu and ozibo 072 then sub tributaries flow from an elevated plain of about 600ft above sea level, which serves as the main water divide of the area. The benue trough is a failed rift arm aulacogen and is believed to be among the least studied aulacogen in the world.

A peak is a local maximum at least x% higher than the preceding trough, and a trough is a local minimum at least x% lower than the preceding peak. The benue trough is an elongate rifted depression in which the sediments reach well over 5000 m thickness in places and have been strongly folded, probably by later adjustments along faults in the underlying basement. Its origin is associated with the separation of the african and south american continents in the early cretaceous. The mapped area falls within the benue trough the oldest sedimentary rocks in nigeria is in this trough and they are of lower cretaceous age. Basin framework and basement structuring of lower benue trough. Dec 17, 2009 the ltds both predate and postdate trough formation and occurred between the noachian 4. Pdf petroleum potentials of the nigerian benue trough. This influences trough processes until the bedforms and structures are washed out or buried by the reactivated host bedform. Usgs stafford act roles and responsibilities usgs has the lead federal responsibility to provide notification and warnings for earthquakes, volcanoes, and landslides.

The benue trough is nigerias main but not exclusive source of baryte mineralization. Clusters of heatedrock locations are found near liebre mountain, soledad canyon, and upper big tujunga creek, and along desert slopes between little rock canyon and cajon pass. Stratigraphic report of the middle benue trough, nigeria. Interpretation of aeromagnetic data over ankpa and nsukka.

The benue trough of nigeria formed as a result of series of. The lower benue trough is the southern portion of the benue trough that is believed to have originated as a failed arm of an aulacogen at the time of the. Evolution of gongola basin upper benue trough northeastern. The lower benue trough in aptiansantonian times was therefore a simple rift with faster subsidence at the southern end fig. Reviews on the geology of the trough have been presented by several workers eg.

The unnamed units were lateral ly correlated to the. The study area is situated within the afikpo basin, lower benue trough of southeastern nigeria. Petrographic analysis for naming and classifying an. Benue trough like other sedimentary basins in nigeria is found to be endowed with mineral resources. The niger delta clastic wedge continued to prograde during middle cretaceous time into a depocenter located above the collapsed continental margin at the site of the triple junction. Cretaceous stratigraphy of the middle and lower benue trough figure i is a map of the geology of the benue trough region of nigeria. Universal journal of geoscience, macmillan london 2. Anambra basin is one of the energyrich inland sedimentary basins in nigeria 153 it is a nearly triangular shaped embayment covering about 3000 km 2 with a total sedimentary thickness of approximately 9 km 2. Various conventional coal analytical methods were adopted according to the.

Archaeology magazine insider phoenixs looming water. Numerical detection of unstable periodic orbits in continuous. Structural geology of the lower benue trough search and discovery. The benue trough is geographically divided into upper, middle and lower regions. The bida basin is a shallow unfaulted arm of the benue trough. First, more evaporation occurs over the oceans than over land, leading to more latent heating in the clouds and a reduction in surface pressure. Benue trough of nigeria were carried out using euler deconvolution and forward and inverse modelling methods. The benue trough is conventionally subdivided into a lower benue trough, abakaliki trough of whiteman 1982, a middle benue trough and an upper benue trough benue valley respectively of whiteman 1982. Shale being more prospective than the stratigraphically lower asu river group.

The tectonic, stratigraphic and organic geochemical evaluations of these basins suggest the similarity with the contiguous basins of chad and niger republics and sudan, where commercial oil discovery have been made. The geology of the lower benue trough has been described by several authors 6,7. The tectonic evolution of the the southern portion of the. Euler deconvolution and forward and inverse modelling of. The scale of the irrigation works boggles the imagination. The gongola basin arm of the upper benue trough is a ns trending arm of the km long benue trough. Establishing bermudagrass for pastures and hay fields. The late cenomanian to early turonian was a period of.